Trust me, 2024 is your year. I know you likely have big — we’re talking, big — life goals and decisions to make. And I also know that feels both exciting and overwhelming. As your career bestie, I’m here to help!
This blog post will walk you through how to set big goals that you’ll actually accomplish. First, download my free 2024 goal-setting workbook. That’s right, free! It has everything you need to follow along with this blog post and set your goals for 2024! Plus, there is space for you to track your progress throughout the year.
Let’s dive in!
4 Tips for setting meaningful goals
When you hear the phrase “New Year’s resolutions,” it’s natural to think about alllllll the things you want to accomplish by the end of the year.
However, I encourage you to take a step back and think about what you really want to accomplish. Narrowing your focus to what matters most will help you stick to your resolutions and feel fulfilled when you achieve them.
Here are a few tips to do just that! Don’t forget to follow along with workbook pages 3-8.
1. Brain dump!
I know I just told you to narrow your list of goals — but we have to make the list before it can be narrowed, right? Brainstorm all the things you want to accomplish in 2024. And I mean all the things. We’ll narrow down shortly!
Separate your list into the main categories you want to focus on in 2024. For example, try brainstorming professional, health, financial, and relationship goals. Use page 3 in the workbook to make your lists!
2. Visualize your future
Now that your brain is warmed up, imagine what you want the next year, or five, to look like. What is your ideal day-to-day like? Where do you live? What is your job? What’s going on in your personal life? Write out your vision!
3. Consider your motivation
If you visualize buying a house or getting promoted — why do those things matter to you? No matter your goals or vision for the future, getting clear on WHY you want certain things will help you stay focused and motivated all year long.
Also, consider the differences (if any) between your brain dump list(s) and the visualization exercise. Does your vision for the future include a few key things from your list? We’ll focus on those! Do some things on your list feel less important now that you’ve looked at the bigger picture?
4. Choose fewer, meaningful goals
Time to narrow! Hopefully, you have a clear picture of what you want the next year to look like. What big decisions or accomplishments do you want to make in order to turn your vision into a reality? Those are the goals to focus on!
If you’re struggling to narrow down the list, set one goal per category. That means one professional, one financial, one health, one relationship, and one personal goal. Or, use whatever categories matter most to you! Remember, you don’t need to make that many goals. One to three big goals is a perfect place to start.
4 Tips for sticking to your goals in 2024
Now that we’ve covered how to set big goals, let’s discuss how to keep them. Did you know 38% of people make New Year’s resolutions each year, but only 9% of people stick to them all year long? Let that statistic motivate you to set a plan that works!
My favorite tip for sticking to your goals? Set aside time to check in throughout the year. Don’t worry, my 2024 goal-setting workbook has your back! Check out pages 9-18.
Here are a few additional tips for sticking to your goals.
1. Understand your “why”
Remember when you thought about your motivation for the year? It’s time to write out WHY each goal matters to you.
How will this goal contribute to your future? How will it improve your happiness or health? Write it down so you can revisit your reasons throughout the year. There’s a section on each goal-setting page of the workbook for this exercise.
2. Break your big goals down into smaller actions
Big goals feel simpler when you know what it takes to achieve them. Write out the tasks and skills you’ll need to achieve each goal in your workbook. Bonus points for scheduling these tasks in your planner or calendar!
3. Prepare to celebrate!
Decide how you’ll celebrate each goal when you accomplish it! Rewards = ultimate motivation.
4. Set calendar reminders to check your progress
Check-in with yourself throughout the year. My favorite way to do this? Block time on your calendar every quarter, and make it fun! Take yourself to a coffee shop or happy hour and take note of your progress. Take a moment to feel proud of yourself rather than intimidated by what’s left to do.
If you haven’t already, take a moment to download my FREE 2024 goal-setting workbook. It will guide you through setting thoughtful goals and give you space to track your progress throughout the year.
I can’t wait to hear about everything you have planned. Tag me on Instagram or TikTok once you’ve set your goals! I have a feeling 2024 is going to be a good one.
P.S. Sign up for my email list to get my best career advice all year long!

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