I am very lucky to spend my 9-5pm working in my dream job on a business strategy team. I’m a young professional, just like you, navigating presenting to senior executives and managing my work-wellness balance.
Through attending Georgia Tech, obtaining a master’s
degree at MIT, changing my career path several times, and learning how to build my professional network, I have realized the numerous challenges that come with
launching your career.
Asking for a raise, promotion, or even writing a cover
letter can be awkward and frightening. Launched by Liz was started when I realized the need for personalized career advice and guidance, especially among young women.
Launched by Liz is more than career coaching, I strive to help people find their passions, obtain balance in life, and present the best version of themselves possible. Whether you’re going through a career change, applying to a university, or launching your Linkedin presence – I’m here to help!
I believe that your career success is directly related to
your mindset. If you are working on becoming and presenting your best self, you will find your passion in your job. My mission is to empower women to launch their careers and become their best selves. Let’s launch your career!